
Business Contract Dispute Attorney

A contractual dispute can be very costly, both financially and in terms of executive time. Resolving that dispute however, does not necessarily mean incurring high legal costs. In many cases, it is possible to achieve an acceptable outcome without the high costs of litigation.

At the law firm of Charles C. Weller A.P.C., Attorney At Law, we are experienced business litigation advocates. Our firm works diligently to resolve breach of contract disputes in a positive manner, quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.

For a free initial consultation about your case, contact our firm.

Achieving Your Goals

Mr. Weller will explain the factual and legal issues that will shape the outcome of your case. He will also explain your legal options, the costs of those options and the likelihood of achieving your goals using those techniques. You will have the information you need to make intelligent decisions about your case. Based on your instructions, Charles C. Weller will then work hard to achieve your goals.

Creative Solutions to Business Disputes

Charles C. Weller is fully versed in the techniques of trial advocacy and has taken hundreds of cases to trial. Before recommending that course of action however, Mr. Weller will explore other options that could achieve your goals without the costs of a full-blown lawsuit.

In some cases, both sides have a desire to preserve the underlying business relationship and hence show a willingness to come to a mutually acceptable agreement. In others, the threat of legal action can induce the other party to negotiate in good faith. In a significant minority of cases, nothing less than aggressive litigation can achieve results.

Whatever course is chosen, the law firm of Charles C. Weller A.P.C., Attorney At Law will work diligently to protect your rights and achieve your goals.

Free Consultation With a Lawyer

Contact the law firm of Charles C. Weller A.P.C., Attorney At Law for a free initial consultation with a San Diego breach of contract attorney.