Kroger Fruit and Grain Cereal Bars Investigation

Did you buy Kroger Fruit and Grain Bars for your family because you thought they were naturally flavored?

Kroger Fruit and Grain Cereal Bars claim to be made with no artificial flavors.

But in fact, Kroger Fruit and Grain Cereal Bars are flavored in part with an artificial ingredient called “DL malic acid,” which is synthesized from propane and butane.

Kroger Fruit and Grain Cereal Bars are deceptively packaged and sold to consumers—especially families—by portraying the ice bars as naturally flavored when they are not, and by failing to disclose the use of artificial flavorings.

If you purchased Kroger Fruit and Grain Cereal Bars because you believed they were free of artificial flavors, you may qualify to be a Class representative. Qualified Class representatives may be eligible for financial compensation.

Do You Qualify?

If you purchased Kroger Fruit and Grain Cereal Bars in any of the following flavors in the belief they were free of artificial flavors, you may qualify:

If you purchased Kroger Fruit and Grain Cereal Bars (any flavors) within the last two years and are above 18 years of age you may have a legal claim. YOU MUST ALSO HAVE A RECEIPT OR OTHER PROOF OF PURCHASE. Submit your information for a free case review. If you qualify, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

Fill out the form on this page for more information.

After you fill out the form, an attorney(s) or their agent(s) may contact you to discuss your legal rights.

Fill out the form on this page for more information.


Counsel for this matter is Charles C. Weller at: Charles C. Weller APC.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements.

The information contained herein is not legal advice. Your information will be forwarded to an attorney(s) or their agent(s) or a claims processing firm for the purpose of a confidential review and potential representation if you qualify. You will only be contacted by an attorney(s) or their agent(s) in response to your inquiry if your initial information appears to qualify you for representation. No representation or guarantee as to any outcome to any claim or litigation is here made or implied. If you are not contacted by an attorney(s) or their agent(s) within two weeks, you should consult another firm since all legal claims are subject to filing deadlines. Any photos of persons on this website are stock art and do not depict clients.